Underground Pipe
We had the pleasure of working for a large commercial HVAC company on this project. The company subcontracted us for a couple of weeks to get this job done.

Safety Gate
A church in North Georgia required a couple of gates to bring their baptismal pool up to code. We were happy to oblige!

Gate Repair
In this instance we were called for a gate repair. The main issue was the damage from a collision with a vehicle. We also found a few welds in need of repair. They were sorted out nicely!

Offset Smoker
This smoker was built as a retirement gift for an old friend. We formed it from stainless steel and finished with a high-heat paint.

Game Cube
This Project was a pleasure to build. The cube was designed to split into five pieces to aid in storage and transport. Such a cool game for a youth conference!

Duct Welding
On this project there was a variety of steel ductwork and aluminum ductwork in need of welding. We were happy to complete it.